
August 24, 2014

Small Town Exploration

This month is rapidly coming to a close.  We’ve been staying busy, but we have also been filling our days with relaxation and visits with friends.  A couple of weeks ago, we ventured over to the quaint historic area of a nearby small town called Clinton.  Our mission?  We wanted to check out some of Clinton's charming antique stores!

I captured a few photos with my handy little iPhone. We had a fun time looking! The displays were colorful and the weather was cooperative. Don’t you love all of the reflections in the storefront windows?

I defied the urge to empty my wallet.  Mr. Jim couldn’t resist paying $3 for an antique tourist pamphlet of the Canadian Rockies, filled with old photographs.  And, when we passed an old-fashioned barbershop, we laughed out loud when we saw this sign in the window.  Amen to those sentiments!

We discovered that one of the old buildings has a colorful mural painted on its side.  Isn’t that pretty?

Once we got tuckered out, we wandered over to Hoskins Drug Store for some refreshment.  A mainstay of the downtown area, the store has been at this location since 1947.  Mr. Jim’s reflection shows in the right-hand window of the photo.  He was checking out a road construction project while I recorded the scene.  The signboard near the entrance proclaims an after-school special: a grilled cheese sandwich and milkshake for $5.  It was my treat at the soda fountain.  Mr. Jim got a root beer float, and I got a chocolate milkshake.  Mmm, they were delicious!

It was a very nice little journey, without any of the usual traveling hassles!


  1. Almost expect to see Andy or Opie saunter by! What a sweet Main Street...

  2. the drug store break sounds awesome! the shops were really cute, too. lovely mural! they know how to bring folks to their downtown. :)

  3. I love little towns like that, and you captured the essence beautifully! Brings back the memory for me when I was in high school and worked behind the soda fountain (at the time the only drug store in town.)


  4. A very pretty town! Sometimes little day trips to nearby spots are as much fun as a big trip. I'm glad you both enjoyed it and the root beer float sounds delicious. By the way, we are just an hour and a half from the Canadian Rockies right now visiting our daughter and family. I don't know if we'll get to the mountains this trip though as we're waiting for grand baby # 3 to arrive! Blessings, Pam

  5. What a charming little town. Love places like that!!

  6. Such a neat little town! Thanks for the tour! I'm glad y'all had a good time.

  7. That must have felt a bit like time traveling going to that charming little town. I love the mural on the side of that building. I think I would have been in heaven wandering through the antique stores

  8. Wonderful photos, and interesting little trip.
    Love that mural too!
    Thinking of you.
    and Prayers too.

  9. Love little towns! And of course you photos make that one look exceptionally pretty!

  10. I love looking into all the store windows. We didn't buy much when we walked downtown Hendersonville last week either. I'm not much of an impulse buyer. Love the old buildings in this town. I'm keeping you both in my prayers this week! Take care of yourself my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  11. I love those days too - nosing about in a few interesting shops.
    Ha ha, I usually try to keep my hands in my pockets too - we seem to have enough junk here already that needs moving on to new homes!
    Take care

  12. I believe that a small-ish journey is as enriching as a big one. (Perhaps that is my non-adventurous self speaking.) It looks like a lovely day that you and Mr. Jim spent together!
    Love the picture that you took including Jim's reflection. It was a clever shot and added so much dimension to the scene.
    A day with a root beer float and a chocolate has to be good!

  13. Wow! All of these photos are so beautifully colorful, they grab your eye! I love them, and I'm happy to hear that you had a lovely trip to visit the town. :)

    Donna, THANK YOU for my darling cards that I won, I'm so lucky! My granddaughter was here when I received them and she ooo'ed and ahhh'ed over them, too. They are really great and I appreciate your generosity. Hugs and prayers for you and Jim.

  14. It sounds like a perfectly perfect day...right down to a soda fountain treat!

  15. I love little towns and I love seeing the reflection of clouds in windows of the shops. You captured this little town well - I almost felt as if I was right there with you!


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