
February 24, 2016

Photo of the Week - Yellowstone's Lower Falls

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

The Lower Falls is an all-time favorite of park visitors. At 308 feet high, it is the tallest waterfall in the park. The yellow rocks are quite distinct along the canyon walls. That’s how the river and the park got their name!

I took this image at Artist Point, which is easily accessible.  I shared the magnificent view with an elderly veteran in a wheelchair.  Unless you are into self-induced punishment and bragging rights, quite respectable vantage points can be enjoyed without climbing up and down hundreds of stairs.


  1. Isn't that a gorgeous view! It's photos like this that make me think maybe I should be wanting our travel to be within the U.S.

  2. Another breathtaking photo, Donna! Love those silky waters and mist rising up. My goal is to get out soon, find me a waterfall and practice silky water shots...wish me luck! Take care :)

  3. That is one of my favorite views! I have a couple snapshots from family trips there many years ago. So thankful I get to see this photo today. I've been locked out of blogger and google! Was finally able to figure it out this evening. I've missed my blogging buddies!

  4. The water looks so soft and silky. A beautiful capture.

  5. Beautiful picture! :) I love Yellowstone!



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