
March 2, 2016

Photo of the Week - Bull Moose in an Autumn Field

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Moose are the largest animal in the deer family and the tallest mammal in North America. A male stands about six feet tall at the shoulder and weighs between 1200 to 1600 pounds. Our photo tour group watched this impressive fellow from the safety of our vehicle. He ambled around in tall grasses and periodically checked out us while he grazed. I love how the seasonal colors surround him, complimenting the tone of his fur.

I frequently use high continuous shooting (burst mode) for wildlife subjects. With a digital camera, I don't have to be stingy with exposures. I also take plenty of digital cards on my trips. Once I get back home and download the images, I review series of shots and look for the ones with the best subject poses.


  1. You have presented Bullwinkle in the best possibly way. He is beautiful and so is your photography, Donna!

  2. An impressive creature and a beautiful shot

  3. He is quite a fellow! How close were you? Not very I hope. John thinks it is a great picture and wants you to know that he used to belong to that moose's club. I asked what he did in the club and, from what I can tell, it was a continual Oktoberfest.

  4. This photo reminds me of going hunting with my husband in our early married years. A beautiful cow moose came out of the mist in the early morning and walked right by us. I was glad it was not cow season and we could just watch her walk away. Such beautiful animals, and graceful for all their awkward angles. A great photo, Donna.

  5. He's really a big 'ole boy! Glad you didn't get too close!
    Beautiful colors in the grasses Donna.

    Mary -

  6. I feel like I could reach out and pet him!
    Great shot Donna!

  7. That's a great picture! SO majestic!

  8. That is a spectacular shot of a moose!

  9. Well, he's not very pretty, but that's an awesome photo, Donna.


  10. Beautiful shot, Donna! I love seeing your photos of the national parks and wildlife!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!