I had planned to present another chapter in our Southwest USA adventure by now. I’m sorry, folks, but I am a bit distracted. We are currently embroiled in some pressing local and state issues during this political summer. My apologies for being a bit tardy!
I intend for this blog is to be lighthearted and fun, with a tiny dash of philosophy about life. We all need to have a little bit of frivolity in a world that comes up short in this trait! So I won’t bore you with the details. In addition to the time devoted to these issues, we are also taking care of the acreage, gardens, and landscaping here at Greyhavens cottage. I have some other posts already prepared and will be adding those instead this week.
I can totally relate as we have some pressing issues going on here also some of which have left me mind-buzzed. Well, we do what we can and see what happens. ((HUGS))
ReplyDeleteI am sorry that you have to deal with such unsavory matters too. It's all just too much for my bruised little brain, and I can't imagine you juggling that kind of stuff too along with family obligations. My hats off to you!
ReplyDeleteI hope the issues aren't as dire in your part of the state as they appear to be in the eastern part (Memphis, their mayor, whew!). I feel for the citizens in that city, but then we had ol Huck, and the dog fiend mayor here, so I guess we've had plenty of our own issues.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to take time for yourself!
Duh,,I'm trying to remember if I mixed up east and west again. Memphis is west, right? I'm so dense!
ReplyDeleteI live on the east side of the state, in Knox County (just outside of Knoxville). Our county has had some embarassing times during the past couple of years, so there is some much needed turnover that needs to will occur. We also have some statewide issues that directly affect us, and we continue our efforts for them to NOT affect us. It seems to be an unending battle and sometimes we grow weary.
ReplyDeleteWe just Hang 'em here....LOLHahaha....not really...BUT...never mind..hahaha...Things will level out for you! Then we can see them Elephants!!lol...night sugar!hughugs
ReplyDeleteI've been having to meet with elephants and a few donkeys these days (if you know what I mean), and I'd rather do stitching - hahahaha!!!!!!! Thanks, sweetie!