April 20, 2011

We’re Back from New Mexico!

Taos Pueblo

We’re back home now, safe and sound! We returned yesterday. What a fabulous journey and exploration of New Mexico. We met some really great folks along the way, saw some beautiful countryside, and stayed at relaxing places in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. We successfully wore ourselves out too! I can’t say that my bionic knee behaved very well. It has been protesting loudly about all the walking we did. Fiddlesticks!

So hello, Thursday, and we’re back to reality and our normal routines! I jumped right into my consulting work today. Hubby cheerfully did laundry chores and grocery shopping. We are both excited to be reacquainted with many things that we missed, such as the Tennessee landscape filled with a multitude of green colors, cozy recliners, and comfort-height toilets! That’s one of the neat things about traveling. When you return home, you are gently reminded of cherished items in your own world!

I see that Marty behaved reasonably well minding the blog and keeping you entertained with posts during my absence. There will be a few more posts to share pictures of Zion National Park, where we vacationed three years ago. Of course, there will also be plenty of opportunities for me to bore you to tears with New Mexico photos in the weeks and months ahead! Photoshop and my computer are going to get a workout.

Last, but not least, my blog passed the 500th post milestone while we were gone. Hooray!!! Who knew that I could be so chatty? Stay tuned for a giveaway celebration very soon! It will be my best giveaway ever!


  1. Congrats on 500! That's great. Welcome home. I always feel like kissing my little house once I return from a vacation. Be it ever so humble and all that... And straight back to work? On your bum bionic knee? Hope that the knee stops protesting so much.

  2. It's great to hear from you and I can not wait to see pics of your trip! I SO want to travel to that area this year...maybe in the Fall! Welcome home! Get some rest! ♥

  3. Glad you had a wonderful time, take care of that knee, isn't it funny what we miss when we are away from home.

  4. happy that you had a great time! NM has some beautiful country! sorry to hear your knee was complaining....hope that gets better!!

  5. Welcome home! Glad you had a great time.


  6. Welcome back! Can't wait to see some awesome pictures!

  7. Welcome home! The photos of your trip are magnificent! It sounds like it was another enjoyable one... other than problems with your knee and possibly the toilets? ;)

    I'll be in touch in a few days. :)

  8. Welcome home!!!

    Gentle hugs,

  9. Sounds like you have had a wonderful time!

  10. Welcome Back!! Here's to 500 MORE!!!
    Can't wait to SEE PHOTOS!!!!Hahahahaaa....Move it Girlfriend!!

  11. Welcome back and congratulations on 500. I'm looking forward to seeing all those photos from your trip.

  12. It seems as if there is no place like home! Glad you had a great trip, we can't wait to see all your wonderful pics!

  13. Congrats on your 500th post! I also look forward to you New Mexico posts! Have a nice Easter Weekend!

  14. Welcome home! I was wondering when you guys were going to return. Wasn't sure how much longer Marty could behave himself. LOL

    Congrats on your 500th post, and we look forward to seeing your NM pics soon!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!