
August 12, 2014

1100th Post Celebration!

It’s a little bit overdue, but I wanted to celebrate my 1100th post! The milestone was reached about two weeks ago. I still shake my head with amazement about how much this blog has been part of my life since the beginning of 2007. I originally intended to share simple stories about life at our country cottage and our travels. However, the scope has expanded and grown over time. I never dreamt that it would inspire me to improve and share my love of photography – a bonus!

I have made many wonderful friends here. Like throwing coins down a wishing well, I had no idea whether I would have any readers or followers. It was an act of faith. And somehow, people found their way here. I am thrilled beyond words that people came back, time and time again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I always like to have a little giveaway with each of my celebrations. So I've packaged up a selection of my photo note cards for presents. Below is a sample of the images, but the assortment is always potluck.

This giveaway as easy as it gets. And, it favors those kind visitors who take the time to leave comments for me. There are no sign ups or hoops to jump through! Comments on my July posts went into the proverbial hat for the giveaway, and I used a random number generator.

Without further ado, here are the lucky winners:

Sally of Whispering Hope

Congratulations, ladies! I will be getting in touch with each one of you and mail out your package shortly.

And thank you, everyone, for your loyal friendship!


  1. Congrats to the lucky winners and to you for lots of wonderful blogging. What a difference you've made with the photography challenge each month. I've learned so much and I'm more aware of photo taking, too! Your cards are beautiful. I know....I've been blessed with some of them, too! Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. oh, how sweet are you! i know two of those sweet blogging ladies! congratulations to all 3!! and keep on blogging, dear donna!

  3. Those lucky dubbers! What a sweet thing to do, Donna.

  4. Are you serious? How lucky am I and your two other winners. Donna, really! You amaze me with your posts and photographs. It's been my sincere pleasure getting to know you, and Mr Jim! Both are in my thoughts and prayers daily!

  5. Congrats to all the lucky winners! And here's to 1100 more posts Donna! Congrats on this milestone!

  6. Congratulations to the winners and to you, Donna, for your 1100th post. Looking forward to many more posts. I've appreciated all the time and effort you put into your photography and how willing you are to share with all of us newbies who know zip about taking photos.

  7. Lucky me!! Thank you so much, Donna, I will love getting your notecards as much as I love reading your posts. :) Big hugs!! You are a blessing to my life.

  8. Congratulations, Donna! That is an amazing number of posts! I'm happy for your winners too.

  9. Congratulations on your wonderful blog. I need folks like you to keep me motivated!!!

  10. Thanks Donna! I'm honoured to receive some of your beautiful photo notecards. Congratulations to the other winners as well. I've really enjoyed visiting your blog, reading about life in your sweet cottage, the struggles with Mr. Jim's health and, mostly, seeing your beautiful photos and learning from your photography tips. Thank you!! Hugs, Pam

  11. What a lovely gift! But then, you are always giving...gorgeous photos, inspiration, encouragement, friendship! Congratulations on your 1100th post!

  12. congratulations to your winners. I like the way you do your giveaways. Congratulations to you also on reaching that milestone with your blog. It's been a pleasure visiting you and I look forward to many more years of traveling along with you

  13. Congratulations to the winners! I can personally attest that Donna gives great prizes! Congratulations on your 1100th post.

  14. Congrats to the you lucky winners! It has certainly been a joy getting to "know" you the little that I have since I started blogging last year, Donna. Your kind encouragement and comments to me have certainly inspired me to continue! God bless you and congratulations to YOU for your long running time in Blogland!

  15. Congrats to you and to the winners, Donna.
    Wow, you have been at this blogging business long before I even knew it existed, Donna.
    I'm so happy you are here and I am blessed by having gotten to know you these past few years!
    I also love getting to see the lovely places you have visited through your photos.

  16. Congratulations for reaching this milestone. You have become a dear friend through your blog and I love to come visit you - even when I have to be a bit late! Here's to a lot more blog posts in the future. The winners of your give-away are always blessed. I know because the photo book I won is a treasure!

  17. Congratulations Donna, that's a lot of sharing. I'm finding most bloggers see their blog evolve differently than when they started, or even anticipated. Mine is slow to do this but it's inevitable.
    Congrats to your winners too!

  18. We all love you and Mr. Jim and feel privileged to share the ups and downs of life with you through your wonderful blogs Donna. Congrats on giving us so many brilliants posts - the words and the photos - over the years. As for the monthly challenge - we really love it and, with your encouraging tips and generous comments, you are helping make us love photography even more. Many thanks dear.

    Your winners will love their gifts - congrats to them too.

    Mary xoxoxoxo

  19. Well...That's what I get for not blogging for awhile!! Darn! Missed it!
    I been BAD!!
    Congratulations to all the winners though!!!!


Marty, here! Donna loves comments, and I faithfully pass them on to her. Thank you so much for visiting!